Thursday 29 September 2011

Avatar Final Scene HD

We chose to put this clip of the ending of the movie Avatar because it's an example of a close up shot of a face, which we are intending to use in the end of the introduction of our thriller.


One main character - man dressed in dark clothing.
Plot - Location shots of the church. Church scene where man is sat praying (can't see his face)
Flashbacks start happening
- Body gets dragged through corn field, flashes back to man
(wide shot - so you can see church around him)
- Dragging body over the train track - followed by another long shot.
- Back to man who's dug a hole now, dumps the body then covers the hole again.
- Takes picture out (church bell rings)
Takes picture out in the church as the bell rings there as well.
(blood and mud over picture)
Close up of his face. Pans round him then focus on picture and laugh. 

Twin Peaks tv series - Last scene

we added this scene to our blog because it shows the close up face and the evil side of the guy, which is also what we are going to try and show in our thriller.